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We Appreciate Your Volunteering Feedback

Thanks so much for being part of the Casita Verde community and for volunteering with us. We hope you enjoyed your recent stay. You're part of a growing community of people worldwide who want to live life in a more sustainable way. Please let us know if ever we can help you with that and please keep us up to date on what you're doing.
You can download Chris' guide to living a more ecologically friendly life here.
We want to continue to improve the volunteer program and would appreciate your comments and observations. If you would complete the form below and press Submit, your comments will help us to get better for future volunteers, and also for when we can welcome you back.
1. Overall how would you rate your stay at Casita Verde?

2. What did you enjoy the most?

3. What could we have done better?

4. What advice would you offer a new volunteer?

5. How would you rate your accommodation?
6. How would you rate the food during your stay?

7. Feel free to provide any additional comments (optional).

8. Please use this box to provide a quote you are happy we can use on our website. We will use only your first name and the quote. Leave blank if you'd prefer not to quote.

All done, please press Submit

Thanks for sending us your feedback. We got it safe and sound.

Your Name

Your Email Address

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